Get a custom first aid kits for schools that suits your industry and location. Choose from a variety of sizes and styles, including portable trauma kit bags. Buy empty or bulk bags, and enjoy refill and restocking services from top suppliers and manufacturers near you.
Custom first aid kits for schools

Materiale Premium
High-end materialThis kit is made of FDA and CE-certified 1680D double-stranded Oxford fabric. It is subjected to rigorous quality tests to ensure its durability. This premium-quality fabric is abrasion resistant and has waterproofing properties that guarantee that emergency equipment is safe in all situations.

Generoso spazio di archiviazione
Large Storage Space The size of the storage area is size of size of 63x28x33cm. This spacious storage space can hold a variety of first aid supplies including medical wraps, basic adhesive bandages, to the most essential emergency medication. This spacious layout is perfect for everyday emergencies and outdoor activities.

Maggiore visibilità
Il vivace colore esterno rosso permette di riconoscere facilmente l'apparecchiatura e migliora la visibilità nei momenti di confusione. Il colore rosso brillante funge da indicatore per aiutare le persone a localizzare gli oggetti essenziali in caso di emergenza. The bag is equipped with high-visibility reflective strips that ensure the highest degree of visibility. È facile individuare la borsa del kit medico in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione.

Portabilità efficiente
The medical kit we offer is light and compact, allowing the kit to be carried on just one shoulder. The kit weighs less than 2.3kg which makes it simple to carry regardless of whether you’re an outdoor lover or an emergency response.

Assistenza completa di primo soccorso
This first-aid kit offers complete support for a range of emergencies. It provides pre-hospital first aid, CPR training, and campus emergency response. The layout of this kit is based on various emergency scenarios that might occur, so you’re ready for any scenario.

Certificazioni affidabili
Gli articoli Senyang sono certificati FDA e CE e sono conformi agli standard internazionali per le cure mediche. I nostri kit di pronto soccorso scolastico sono stati sottoposti a rigorosi test di sicurezza e qualità per garantire un'assistenza medica di alto livello.
Components - first aid kits for schools
A Large first aid kits for schools containing:
- 1 x Kit di fornitura di ossigeno medico, bombola da 2L
- 1 x Respiratore semplice, Pvc per adulti
- 1 x Maschera medica per ossigeno, adulto
- 1 x Aspiratore monouso, BST-C1
- 1 x scheda Triage
- 1 x Misuratore di pressione sanguigna
- 1 x stetoscopio, singolo
- 1 kit di sutura per lo sbrigliamento dei traumi
- 1 x Martello a percussione, metallo
- 1 x Termometro a mercurio
- 2 x garze mediche assorbenti, 5O×80cm
- 2 x Stecca a rotolo, 11×92 cm
- 2 x benda triangolare, 96×96×135 cm
- 2 x Banadge, 10×600 cm
- 1 x laccio emostatico, in lattice
- 3 x medicazione sterile
- 10 x tamponi di alcol, 5×5 cm
- 10 x dischetti di cotone loden, 5x5cm
- 2 x Coperta di primo soccorso, 130×210 cm
- 1 x Impacco di ghiaccio medico, 120 g
- 2 x guanti per esami medici, in lattice
- 1 x torcia medica
- 1 x forbici mediche, 14 cm
- 1 x Pinzetta medica, 14 cm
- 1 x Spatola, acciaio inox
- 1 x nastro traspirante, 1,25cm×900cm
- 10 x cerotti
- 2 x Piccole smerigliature, 2×2 cm
- 4 x Spilla di sicurezza
- 1 x piastra reniforme, acciaio inox
- 1 x Manuale di primo soccorso
- 4 x Borsa di smistamento per il primo soccorso
- 1 x borsa medica, 63×28×33 cm

faqs about first aid kits for schools manufacturer
Yes, all of our first aid kits for schools meet or exceed international standards such as CE, FDA 510k, and ISO13485, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards.
Yes, we offer contents customization to tailor the contents of your first aid supplies for schools to the specific needs of your workplace. You can choose from our standard packaging options or create a first aid kit that meets your unique needs.
Yes, we offer regular maintenance services for your first aid kits for schools. Our services include checking the expiration date of each item, replacing expired items, and replacing any missing items.