Types of Marine First Aid Kits We Manufactured

Aviation aluminum, anti-fire retardant wave pattern material, which is solid and unbreakable enough for you in the daily use for a long time.

First aid storage case with reinforced corners and chrome-steel for added strength, Medical box with lightweight, strong and durable.

Unique use seal markings to remind check first aid kit components. The medicine box has a safety lock, insert the key and turn it clockwise to hear a click to lock the medicine box! And have two keys for easy access.Suitable to store all kinds of medicine, Prevent children from eating drugs by mistake.

Adjustable strap, comes with an adjustable shoulder strap, which is easy to carry and suitable for outdoor. The combination of high-quality straps and soft rubber shoulder pads is both comfortable and durable.

The large interior space is made of PP material, which is very easy to take care of on a daily basis. Multiple ke removable dividers allow for easy medication sorting.

Unique horizontal placement of the agent to prevent leakage from occurring
Components - Marine First Aid KIT

Todos os acessórios podem ser fabricados de acordo com as suas necessidades.
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1 x Esfigmomanómetro com mostrador
- 1 x Estetoscópio, utilização única
- 1 x lanterna médica, Metal
- 1 x Abridor, 13cm
- 1 x Alicate de língua, 17cm
- 1 x Hemostato, 12,5cm
- 1 x pinça, 14cm
- 1 x Termómetro de mercúrio
- 1 x Tesoura médica, 12,5 cm
- 2 x Moinho pequeno, 2×2cm
- 1 x martelo de percussão, metal
- Unidade de cotonete, 50 unidades/embalagem
- 1 x bola de algodão lodophor, 25pcs/garrafa
- 1 x bola de algodão com álcool, 25 unidades/garrafa
- 1 x Espátula, metal
- 2 x Ligadura triangular, 96×96×135cm
- 1 x Torniquete, Látex
- 2 x tala de rolo, 17×90cm
- 2 x Ligadura, 10×6o0cm
- 3 x Gazes médicas, 7,5×7,5
- 3 x Fita respirável, 1,25×90ocm
- 2 x Tampa de malha elástica
- 2 x manta de primeiros socorros
- Agulha para o couro cabeludo, comprar por si
- Seringa, 5ml/Comprar por si
- Seringa, 20ml/Comprar por si
- Seringa, 5oml/Comprar por si
- Agulha de lndwelling, 7#/Aquisição própria
- 1 x respirador simples, adulto PvC
- 1 x Aspirador descartável, BST-C1
- 1 x Medidor eletrónico de glucose no sangue
- 2 x Fio-guia médico, tamanhos L e S
- 4 x tubo endotraqueal, 3#4#6#7#
- 4 x Cartão de identificação de triagem
- 100 x pensos rápidos
27 Pensos rápidos em tecido elástico *5
28 Filtro de água (L) *1
29 Penso rápido grande *5
30 Fita transparente *1
31 Fita desportiva de óxido de zinco *1
faqs about Marine first aid kits manufacturer
Yes, our marine first aid kits are customizable. You can choose Componentsd from a range of items to your first aid kit and personalize it with your logo and branding.
Our marine first aid kits comply with international safety standards and have obtained certifications such as CE, FDA 510k, and ISO13485. We take product quality and safety seriously, and all of our kits undergo rigorous testing and quality control procedures.
Our Marine First Aid Kits comply with international standards such as the International Maritime Safety Organization (IMO) and the International Maritime Health Regulations (ISPH). Ensuring the quality and safety of Marine First Aid Kits.
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