Что должно содержать аптечка первой помощи

There are situations that require immediate attention at home and even outside. A first-aid kit is an indispensable item to have in such scenarios as it helps to treat the inflicted or provide initial assistance before the professionals take over. But what should be included in a first-aid kit? This article will provide answers to several questions about what are the basic things that every first-aid kit should have to manage unforeseen emergencies.

Основные средства первой помощи

The foundation of any first aid kit lies in its basic supplies, which address common injuries and wounds. Here are the must-haves:

Клейкие бинты:

Pack different sizes so that cuts and scrapes may be covered.

Антисептические салфетки:

Effective in wound cleaning hence preventing germs from invading.

Sterile Gauze Pads:

Appropriate in large wounds that require warping.

Клейкая лента:

Helps in keeping the gauze, or any other dressing intact.

Ножницы и пинцет:

It can cut the gauze or tape while the latter can remove the splinters or any other embedded particles.

Safety Pins:

These are ideal for securing bandages or even a sling.

best backpacking first aid kit

Medications and Ointments

It should be remembered that pain or discomfort in minor injuries can be significant therefore the focus should be towards achieving some of the following medications in the first aid kit for the uncomfortable sentiments:

Обезболивающие средства:

These medicines work great towards relieving discomfort and pounding such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Антигистаминные препараты:

These are useful in applying when a person has an allergic reaction or has been bitten by an insect.

Antibacterial Ointments:

These ointments are applied to prevent infection with a minor cut or burn.

Burn Cream:

Provides relief and promotes healing for minor burns.

Hydrocortisone Cream:

Reduces itching and irritation from rashes or insect bites.

Emergency Equipment

An adequate first aid kit should be supplemented with more advanced and professional level emergency tools or instruments that include:

CPR Face Shield or Mask:

To provide comprehensive and safe mouth-to-mouth resuscitation during the procedure.

Одноразовые перчатки:

Used to prevent both the patient’s and the caregiver’s exposure to contaminants.

Instant Cold Packs:

Serve to alleviate swelling occurring in the course of a sprain and similar injuries.

Аварийное одеяло:

Retains the body temperature in cases of shock or massive cold exposure.

Special Considerations

Your first aid kit must be tailored to your surroundings and individual requirements:

Home Use:

Include toys or any other materials that toys could be made of, specially this would be for children, as well as put in place medication that family members may need.

Outdoor Activities:

Incorporate a snake-bite kit and water purification tablets among items when going for ripping activity.


For those who own pets, provision for pet bandages and antiseptic solutions is necessary.


Small kits filled with essential supplies would work best for the people always on the run.

Importance of Regular Maintenance

A first aid kit should be complete and operational in order to be effective. Therefore, regular maintenance is crucial:

  • Check Expiration Dates: All deadly chemicals such as ointments or medicated creams have a specific period of validity. If the product has expired, dispose of it.
  • Replace Used Items: Restock the kit’s supplies immediately following their use. This ensures that the first aid kit is always primed for action.
  • Adapt to Seasonal or Personal Needs: Add or remove items based on specific circumstances, such as flu season or travel to a different climate.


A core component of a preparedness plan is an equipped аптечка первой помощи. This can be achieved through customizing your kit with appropriate items based on the situation, as well as routinely sustaining the kit. There is no need to wait for a crisis—that is not even the right time to equip your first aid kit. Doing so beforehand can save lives. Get started today and build a first aid kit that will keep yourself and others safe.

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